Kamis, 21 Desember 2017


Wow! This Girl Being A Director At 22 Years Old!

               Hi Fellas! This time I have an opportunity to interview someone that inspired me. How could she have inspired me? It’s because she is becoming a director at a young age, 22 years old. Yes, she is Ms.Laras Penggalih P. the director of Mitra Andalan Multiguna company. Let’s check this out!
Me                         : “Good afternoon Ms. How do you do? I am Ulfa Maya from Gunadarma University. Can I get your time to do an interview about your story that can inspire others?”
Ms.Laras               : “Oh, good afternoon Maya. I’m fine, how do you do? May Allah SWT.  always protect us, Aamiin. An interview?  Oh, of course with my pleasure.”
Me                         : “Alhamdulillah, I am good. Okay, let’s start with the first question. How did you start your career?”
Ms.Laras               : “ I started in 2014, when I’m on the second semester of college. At that time, I am 19 or 20 years old. But actually, I have learnt the basic from my father since senior high school, because he also involved in the same field. At first, I just want to focus on college first, but it is like a demand from the environment that forces me to focus on career also. It is because I am the first child from 6, it means that I have big tasks and responsibilities for my family, especially in economic terms. That’s why I have to be brave to handle not only one but three companies at once. In the beginning I could not understand easily, but slowly I could understand. It’s like a Wi-Fi that have to be connected first hahaha.”
Me                         : “How it feels to be a director in such a young age? Are there any difficulties?”
Ms. Laras              : “from 2014 until now I have to studying and also working, so it’s hard. I have to study about how to lead, how to handle people, to see a person in the work context, see others psychological in carry out the job. It’s hard because there is something like this in the college worlds, because the only one that know about this is only the internal of the company. And then when we handle three companies at once, the responsibility is bigger than handle one company only.Of course there are ups and downs, sometimes it ups and sometimes it downs. For example, when the company onward, Alhamdulillah, and when it downs of course it disappoint and makes me sad but I have to keep going and cheer the teams up. There is no easy way to achieve something, there must be process, ways, and struggles. So, we could not measure something in easy way. We should have target, but when we do theprocess we should understand the purpose of our target. I have a target but now I still not achieve it yet, wallahualam. So, if the company onward Alhamdulillah, and when it stuck it’s okay but I have to think the way out. The most important thing, we should not stop. Why? Because the company is others livelihood. So I have to believe, keep going, and pray.”
Me                         : “ I agree with Ms.Laras, now what do you want to say to the youth so that they could be productive and prove that we can succed at a young age?”
Ms.Laras               : “I think it is self-reminder, knowledge and insight are very important. Especially in the work field, we must have broad insight, that is why I planned to continue my study because I want to take the knowledge. Because, knowledge will be very useful whenever. Moreover, later I will be a parent that will teach my children with the knowledge that I have, and a person will be useful if he or she is knowledgeable. The world of work is difficult, especially for them who does not have wide insight. Whereas knowledge can obtain from anywhere, not only from school we could get knowledge anywhere when we want to open up. It be the reason why I ask my employee to continue their study. Because the most important part of a company is the potential of the resources, and if it sufficient, it could make the company onward. Some people said that college is only a theory, but I disagree with this statement. Why? Because to be a good person, theory and experience must balance. Especially in the work field, this two terms are very important.”
Me                         : “So, the point is we have to keep learning and knowledgeable right? Because knowledge never gets old and run out. Even it could be a merit if we share it with other people. So, Ms.Laras I would like to say thank you to give me your time. Personally, I feel inspired not to laze in learning because learning could determine our future in the work field later. Once again, I would like to say thank you and I hope you always be successful.”
Ms.Laras and Me

Ms.Laras               : “That’s right! We have to studying as much as possible. Me too... I am very happy that I can share my story to others. You also can success at a young age, Aamiin.. Fighting!”




                  The other one Kue Basah from Indonesia called by Kue Cucur or Cucur Cake. Kue Cucur, is the most popular kue basah in Indonesia, an as long as I know, this Kue Basah is from Betawi, one part of Jakarta City. And here is the recipes for this Cake....

Ingredients :
- 200 ml of boiled water
- 100 grams of brown sugar
- 1 pieces of pandan leaves
- 100 grams of rice powder
- 20 grams of wheat powder
-  Salt

Step by step :
1. First oil the water, brown sugar and pandan leaves, stir it and let it warm.
2. Mix the rice powder, wheat powder and salt, stir it.
3. Put the simple sugar syrup from step one into the dough in step 2, mix it until all of  simple sugar syrup has finish, and then let it in 40 minutes.
4. And then warm 4 tablespoon of cooking oil in a small frying pan, and put the dough until  pull the fibers.
5. Pin a middle part with fork and then return the dough, until cooked correctly.
6. Once cooked removed and drained, ready to serve.